5. Tracking Performance with the TypePerf Utility
You don't have to
use the graphical interface to view performance data in real time. The
TypePerf utility provides continuously updated performance data in a
command window in text format. The display updates at the specified rate
until you press Ctrl+C to stop it. This utility uses the following
TypePerf <counter [counter ...]> [options]
TypePerf -cf <filename> [options]
TypePerf -q [object] [options]
TypePerf -qx [object] [options]
The following list describes each of the command line arguments.
Specifies one
or more performance counters to display. Each performance counter has a
path that begins with the counter object, specific counter, and finally
the instance. Consequently, the \Process(_Total)\% Processor Time counter path would collect the _Total instance of the % Processor Time
counter found in the Processor object. Make sure you place each counter
path in double quotes. The counter path can include wildcard
characters. Here's a list of acceptable counter path formats.
-f { Bin | Bincirc | CSV | TSV | SQL }
Defines the log format for the output. You can choose between binary, circular binary, CSV, TSV, and SQL.
Specifies a file
containing a list of performance counters to collect. Each counter path
must appear on a separate line. The default for the TypePerf utility is
Defines the sample interval (how often the system samples the counter) for the collection. The default is 1 second.
-o { Filename | DSN!Log }
the output information for the collection. You can use an output file by
specifying a path and filename. As an alternative, you can specify a
SQL database (for any vendor that supports SQL) by including the ODBC
DSN and the log set name within the SQL database. The default
setting is to use a file with the same name as the performance
collection and a BLG extension for counters or an ETL extension for
traces. The default output is STDOUT (the display).
Lists the installed
counters. If you want to see the counters for a specific object, include
the object name (such as Process). This command line switch doesn't
list counter instances.
Lists the
installed counters with instances. If you want to see the counters for a
specific object, include the object name (such as Process).
Defines the number of samples to collect. The default setting collects samples until you press Ctrl+C.
Specifies a configuration filename that contains all of the command line options.
Performs the task on a remote system. The default setting uses the local system.
yes to all questions without prompting. This feature lets you set up
counters and traces within a batch file without worrying about
6. Removing Performance Counters with the UnlodCtr Utility
The UnlodCtr utility unloads counters from memory. This utility uses the following syntax:
UNLODCTR [\\computername] driver
The following list describes each of the command line arguments.
Specifies the name of a
remote computer. You must have access to the computer through Windows.
This utility doesn't provide any means of specifying a username or
password for the remote computer.
Defines the name of the driver that you want to unload. Unloading a driver removes all its entries from the registry.