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Windows Server 2003 : Managing DHCP in Windows Networks (part 1) - Changing DCHP Server Status & Managing DHCP from a Command Line

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Changing DCHP Server Status

You can use various tools to start or stop the DHCP Server service: the DHCP console, the command-line interface, and the Services console.

DHCP Console

Within the DHCP console, the Action menu that appears when the server icon is selected contains an All Tasks submenu that includes the options Start, Stop, Pause, Resume, and Restart. This same Action menu and All Tasks submenu also appear in the DHCP console when you right-click the DHCP server icon.

To start or stop a DHCP server, complete the following steps:

Open the DHCP console.

In the console tree, select the applicable DHCP server.

On the Action menu, point to All Tasks and then select one of the following:

  • To start the service, select Start.

  • To stop the service, select Stop.

  • To interrupt the service, select Pause.

  • To continue a service after it has been paused, select Resume.

  • To stop and then automatically restart the service, select Restart.

Command-Line Interface

You can also start, stop, pause, and resume the DHCP Server service by executing the following commands, respectively, at the command prompt.

  • Net Start Dhcpserver

  • Net Stop Dhcpserver

  • Net Pause Dhcpserver

  • Net Continue Dhcpserver

Services Console

The Services console is a graphical administration tool that you can open by clicking Start, selecting Administrative Tools, and then clicking Services. To access controls for the DCHP Server service, double-click the DHCP server node in the list of services in the details pane. This procedure opens the DHCP Server Properties dialog box, shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. DHCP Server Properties dialog box

The Services console offers an important addition to the Start, Stop, Pause, and Resume controls available in both the DHCP console and the command-line interface. In the Startup Type drop-down list, you can select the Disabled option. When this option is selected, the service cannot be started until the setting is changed. This setting is useful, for example, when you need to move a DHCP database to another computer and you want to ensure that the old server remains stopped even after you perform the migration.


If the service is running when you select the Disabled option, the setting applies after the next shutdown.

Managing DHCP from a Command Line

Windows Server 2003 includes the Netshell (Netsh) command-line environment, which provides an interface from which you can manage many functions and features of your server. The Netsh commands for DHCP make up a fully equivalent alternative to console-based management. Using this command-line tool can be useful in the following situations:

  • When managing DHCP servers in WANs, you can use commands at the Netsh command prompt to perform administrative tasks across slow-speed network links.

  • When managing a large number of DHCP servers, you can use commands in Batch mode to automate recurring administrative tasks that need to be performed for all DHCP servers.

To enter the Netsh command-line environment, you simply execute the Netsh command at a command prompt. This procedure opens the Netsh> prompt. To access the DHCP administration interface, execute the DHCP command at the Netsh> prompt to enter the dhcp context. This process is illustrated here:

netsh dhcp>


You do not need to step gradually into the various levels of Netsh prompts to execute a Netsh command. For example, to view a DHCP server configuration summary, you can simply open a command prompt and type the following in one line: netsh dhcp server show all. However, entering each context separately allows you—through the use of the Help, List, or ? commands—to view a list of commands available within each context.

Although the Netsh dhcp> prompt allows you to add, delete, and view DHCP servers on your network, many more DHCP management controls are accessible through the Netsh dhcp server> prompt and the Netsh dhcp server scope> prompt. To access the Netsh dhcp server> prompt, simply execute the Server command at the Netsh dhcp> prompt. To access a Netsh dhcp server scope> prompt, enter the Scope <scope IP address> command at the Netsh dhcp server> prompt. This process is illustrated here:

netsh dhcp>server
netsh dhcp server>scope

Changed the current scope context to scope.
netsh dhcp server scope>

At any given prompt, you should use the Help, List, or ? command to view the full list of commands available within each context. To learn about usage associated with any particular command, you can use the Help, List, or ? command after any given command. For example, to learn about the options available with the Set command, you can enter set help at a prompt within any Netsh context.

You can also use Windows Server 2003 online help to learn more about the Netsh utility.


To manage a DHCP server by using the Netsh command line, you must be logged on as a member of either the local Administrators group or the local DHCP Administrators group on the applicable server computer.

To use DHCP commands interactively at the command prompt, complete the following steps:

Open a command prompt.

Enter netsh.

At the Netsh> command prompt, enter dhcp.

At the Netsh dhcp> command prompt, enter either server <\\servername> or server <ip_address> for the server you want to manage. To manage the local server, simply type server.

Once connected, you can use any supported Netshell command for DHCP.

Type /? or help to display the immediate DHCP subcommand menu, or enter list to list all Netshell subcommands available for use with DHCP.

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