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Basic Strategies for Improving Performance (part 3) - Managing Startup Programs and Services

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5. Managing Startup Programs and Services

A common performance problem occurs when Windows automatically loads an excessive number of programs at startup. The result, especially on systems with minimal memory, can be unpleasant: startup takes an unnecessarily long time, applications that you never use steal memory from programs you use frequently, and the page file gets more of a workout than it should. Some programs, such as antivirus utilities, need to start up automatically. But in many cases, you're better served by running programs when you need them and closing them when they're not needed.

Overcrowded startups are most common on computer systems sold in retail outlets, where Windows is preinstalled, along with a heaping helping of applications. In some cases, the bundled programs are welcome, but a free software program is no bargain if it takes up memory and you never use it.

Inside Out: Take charge of startup with Autoruns

Windows 7 has a few tools you can use to peek at programs and services that run automatically at startup or logon, most notably the System Configuration utility, Msconfig. But that built-in tool pales in comparison to the undisputed heavyweight champion of the category. We refer, of course, to Autoruns, which is available for free from Windows Sysinternals. It monitors programs in your Startup folder and in registry keys, showing you the exact order in which those programs will run. You can also configure Autoruns to show Explorer shell extensions, toolbars, browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, and auto-start services, among other categories. Shortcut menus allow you to search for more information about a process or service whose name is unfamiliar, and clearing a check box to the left of each entry disables that item. The Everything tab shown here gives you an unfiltered look at everything your system starts automatically. You'll find the latest version of Autoruns at w7io.com/2001.

6. Keeping Your Disks Defragmented

A "fragmented" hard disk, in which large files are stored in discontiguous sectors, makes read and write heads work overtime and puts a drag on performance. In the early days of personal computing, fragmentation was a common cause of severe performance degradation; that's much less true with Windows 7, which performs disk defragmentation as a weekly scheduled task. The Disk Defragmenter utility (Defrag.exe) runs as a background task, silently shifting the furniture while your system is idle. (The default schedule has defrag running at 1 A.M. every Wednesday. If your machine is turned off at that hour, the task runs as soon as possible after you come back online. It always runs as a low-priority background task, however, so you shouldn't find it obtrusive.)

7. Maintaining Adequate Free Space on Your Disks

A hard disk cluttered with stuff you no longer need might or might not be an impediment to performance (it certainly can be if the disk is home to a page file), but it's a nuisance at best. If a volume is running short of space, you can tidy up a bit with the Disk Cleanup wizard. Open Computer in Windows Explorer, right-click the disk in question, and choose Properties. Then, on the General tab of the Properties dialog box, click Disk Cleanup. Initially, you'll be given the opportunity to clean up your own files only; click Clean Up System Files to identify and, optionally, delete potentially unnecessary files created by the operating system. You'll need administrative credentials to go for the latter option.

8. Avoiding Tweaks of Dubious Value

Among diehard tweakers, the urge to squeeze out every last bit of performance from a computer is irresistible. As a result, even a casual web search turns up dozens of tips intended to help you improve performance in Windows.

Unfortunately, many of the Windows-tuning tips we've seen are of dubious value, and a few can actually hurt performance when indiscriminately applied. Some of these spurious tips are derived from techniques that worked with older Windows versions but are irrelevant or counterproductive now. Others are based on seemingly logical but erroneous extrapolations of how would-be experts think Windows works.

8.1. Page File Confusion

By far the most common instances of performance-related misinformation revolve around the subject of page files, sometimes incorrectly called swap files. We routinely run across two widely published myths about the proper configuration of virtual memory in Windows:

  • Myth #1: If your computer has a large amount of memory installed, you should eliminate your page file completely. This is bad advice. Although you can configure Windows so that it does not set aside any virtual memory, no reputable source has ever published benchmarks establishing any performance gains from doing so, and Windows simply wasn't designed to run without a page file. If the goal is to conserve disk space, a more sensible strategy is to configure Windows to create a page file with a relatively small minimum size and monitor its usage over time to see how much virtual memory the operating system actually uses in daily operation.

  • Myth #2: Creating a page file of a fixed size improves performance. This is also potentially bad advice. The logic behind this tip dates back to the earliest days of Windows. On 1990s-vintage hardware, dynamically resizing the swap file caused noticeable delays in system response and also resulted in excessive fragmentation. The memory management subsystems in modern Windows versions have been tuned to minimize the likelihood of performance problems.

8.2. Prefetch Pros and Cons

To improve the speed of starting applications, Windows continually monitors files that are used when the computer starts and when you start applications. For known programs, it creates an index (in the %SystemRoot%\Prefetch folder) that lists segments of frequently used programs and the order in which they're loaded. This prefetching process improves performance by allowing the operating system to quickly and efficiently grab all the files required by a program when you start it up.

A widely circulated tip of dubious value recommends that Windows users clean out the Prefetch folder and consider disabling the Prefetch function. Some sites even provide links to utilities that automate these functions.

Clearing out the Prefetch folder forces Windows to run programs inefficiently—but only once, because Windows rebuilds the Prefetch layout for a program the next time you run that program. Disabling the Prefetch function eliminates Windows' ability to optimize program loading. In either case, it's hard to find a logical reason why the tweak should result in a performance improvement.

Is it necessary to clear out the Prefetch cache occasionally to eliminate obsolete files and to minimize wasted disk space, as some websites claim? Hardly. A typical Prefetch folder uses well under 100 MB of disk space, and Windows automatically flushes unused entries that are older than a few weeks. Our take? The developers responsible for the memory management subsystem of Windows did a remarkable job when they devised this feature. To discourage tinkering, the default permissions on the Prefetch folder do not allow access to Standard users and to administrator accounts when UAC is turned on. Although you can change these permissions with a click, we see no reason to bother doing so. Let Prefetch work as designed.

8.3. Shutting Down Services

We've also seen sites focusing on Windows services. One sensible piece of advice is to minimize the use of unnecessary background applications and system services. If you install a third-party program that runs as a service and is constantly performing some sort of background task, you should know about it and decide for yourself whether the steady drain on system resources is acceptable. However, a few sites take this advice to an extreme, urging Windows users to go through the list of system services that come with Windows and shut down many of them, including Windows Search, System Restore, and Automatic Updates.

This is, to put it bluntly, really terrible advice.

For starters, the potential payoff is minuscule at best. Most system services run as part of a larger instance of Svchost.exe. Disabling that service leaves the host and its other services running. Disabling most services saves a few kilobytes (with a K) of RAM, which isn't enough to make even a mild dent in performance except under the most extreme circumstances. And there's typically no impact on CPU usage either, because these "unnecessary" services work only when called upon; if you don't use them, they don't impact your CPU load.

We don't agree that the average Windows user should perform this sort of radical surgery on Windows. In less-than-expert hands, the Services console is a minefield; some Windows services can be safely disabled, but indiscriminately shutting down services is a prescription for trouble. That advice is doubly true for features designed to protect system reliability and security.

Other -----------------
- Basic Strategies for Improving Performance (part 2) - Tuning and Troubleshooting SuperFetch & Using ReadyBoost to Compensate for a Slow Hard Disk
- Setting Default Programs, File Type Associations, and AutoPlay Options (part 3)
- Setting Default Programs, File Type Associations, and AutoPlay Options (part 2) - Changing File Type Associations
- Setting Default Programs, File Type Associations, and AutoPlay Options (part 1) - Setting Default Programs
- Running a Program as an Administrator or Another User
- Managing Running Programs and Processes with Windows Task Manager
- Managing Startup Programs
- Configuring Legacy Devices
- Managing Devices with Device Stage
- Managing Devices with Devices And Printers
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