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Running a healthy service in the cloud : Better together for scaling

3/24/2011 3:25:58 PM
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Everyone expects that they’ll be able to dynamically scale their service in Azure. Dynamic scaling is possible, but it requires some heavy lifting on the developer’s part. Over time, vendors will provide this as a service on top of Azure. In the meantime, you’ll want to provide some sort of control over the amount of resources allocated to your service.

In this section, we’re going to follow the same model that our homes use for heating and cooling. Our homes are driven by a sensor that detects a healthy condition (is the temperature in a pleasant range?), a mechanism to change that temperature, and some simple rules that keep the heater from running for 24 hours straight. We can take this approach and apply it to a cloud service. We’ll instrument the cloud service with the diagnostic engine, use the management API to control the infrastructure, and provide some code to control how all that works. You want to respond to events and keep your system healthy so you don’t come in on Monday to find that you have 1,500 instances running in the cloud.

In keeping with our heating and cooling metaphor, let’s start with the thermostat.

1. The thermostat

The thermostat in your home is a simple component of a common control system. Other examples include the cruise control in your car, the autopilot in a plane, and many manufacturing systems. Each of these systems has three components.

The first component is the system itself: the car, the plane, the furnace in the house. In Azure, the system is the service you’re running. The system needs to have inputs to be able to control important aspects of itself. In the furnace example, you can send it a turn-on signal or a turn-off signal. These signals cause it to generate more heat or to stop generating heat.

The second component is the measurement or input device. This device measures the control aspects of the system. In our house example, it’s the thermometer in the thermostat. In Azure, the measurement might be any number of things. A thermostat uses a simple dial to determine what the desired temperature is, as shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. A control system you might have in your house. The furnace is the system you want to control. The thermometer measures the temperature of the house and provides feedback on the performance of the system to the controller. The controller is the electronics in your thermostat, which tells the furnace to turn on or off based on the input from the thermostat.

The hard part for systems in Azure is deciding what busy is for the system. There’s not a simple dial, but likely an amalgam of several inputs; perhaps the depth of a messaging queue, the number of pending requests in the IIS queue, and the running average of response time for each web request. Every measurement point you want to monitor to help decide what busy means needs to be something you can measure across all your instances.

Busy is sometimes represented as an absolute measure. For example, you could define a concrete amount of time a response is allowed to take under normal conditions. The system is either beneath or above that allotted time. Some definitions for a busy state are relative in nature. Saying that your system is busy whenever there are more than 50 messages in the queue won’t work very long. You might instead want to measure 50 messages per instance. Then, if you have five instances, a scenario that has 200 messages in the queue is OK. In this way, you can scale up the definition of busy as you scale up the amount of available resources.

The last component is the control logic itself. This is the piece that determines whether anything needs to be done, and how it should be done.

2. The control system

Your control system has only a few things that it can do with regard to managing performance or scale. In general, the only things the control system can do is add or remove instances of roles. That’s about it.

Of course, there are plenty of scale patterns you can implement, and some will help prevent a dramatic scale failure from happening. You’ll want to look into shunting, bulkheads, and partitioning. Just look in one of those enterprise patterns books on your bookshelf.

You need to instrument your control system yourself so you know what decisions it’s making and how. You want to be able to figure out what went wrong when your service lumbers out of control and eats a village.

The control system can run as a simple role in Azure or as an on-premises application. You might assume an on-premise is a better solution, but remember that you’ll need the input of the diagnostic logs; you’ll have to download them all the time to make decisions. Having the control for the system running in the cloud puts the code near the data, which makes it both faster and cheaper.

3. Risks and managing them

A lot of risk is associated with implementing an auto-scaling component for your service; it’s not trivial. You’ll have to take into consideration a lot of issues and complexities. If things go haywire, they can go haywire badly.

On one hand, you could end up with a large Azure bill if your code goes crazy and spins up 400 instances. On the other hand, if it fails to work properly, you’ll end up not responding to a busy state at all, leading to lost orders and unhappy users. Scaling requires a fine balance, and you’ll want some protective measures in place.

In your logic, make sure you have an absolute upper boundary in place. No matter what’s happening in the feedback system, the scaler won’t go above this boundary. If the scaler reaches its ceiling, it should call a human and ask for help (by sending an email or a text message). You should set this boundary to something that’s high enough to handle expected spikes (the big spike at the end of month), plus 15 percent for a buffer. In addition to this ceiling, set a floor to the scale value. You might want to make sure you always have two instances for reliability. Of course, some applications are OK with just a single instance, and others are OK to be completely shut down if there isn’t any load.

At some point, the spike that caused the controller to create all these instances will pass. After it does, be sure that your controller starts shedding instances to bring the amount of resources deployed back into an acceptable range for the current load.

Pick an algorithm that matches how your load tends to fall off. If it tends to fall very quickly in a steep spike, then you should use an aggressive backoff strategy. In this case, you could use a halving technique in which for each polling cycle that the controller deems is excessive, it cuts the amount of resources by half (going from 32 instances to 16, for example).

In other services, you’ll need a slower backoff process, dropping only one instance every time the measure drops by a certain percentage. Do extensive testing on the behavior of your controller to make sure it’s working under stressful situations the way you want it to.

Another risk is that the controller might flood the channel with conflicting messages. If the polling cycle is too fast and the traffic too unpredictable, you might end up sending conflicting messages through the channel to the service. If you send a message to add an instance and then immediately follow it with a message to shed an instance, you’ll end up thrashing your infrastructure. You also don’t want to accidentally send a message to add an instance several times when you want only one net new instance started. To avoid this problem, make sure your controller is stateful, tracking the commands it has sent and whether those commands have been executed yet. You might even want to suspend all polling until the chosen action is completed.

No matter how clever you get with your controlling logic, make sure that you always include wetware somehow. The controller should always have a way to notify a human as to its behavior. If you run into the “we accidentally started up 400 instances last night” problem, you’ll likely have a “don’t have a job on Monday” problem.

We strongly recommend that you initially build tools that help you watch performance and easily maintain it. Keep the decision to add or remove instances in the control of humans, at least until you have an absolute understanding of how the system responds to stress, and how it responds to increases and decreases in resources.

The cloud does a great job of abstracting away the need to manage the platform, but you still need to manage the application.

4. Managing service health

Managing service health is critical to your system. Just because the system is running in the cloud doesn’t mean there aren’t failures and that your system doesn’t need to be managed. You still need to manage a system in the cloud, and you need to take into consideration all the aspects that you consider when the system is running on-premises. The cloud doesn’t fix problems in a bad system; it makes those problems more obvious.

As you’re building your system, think about how you’re going to manage disaster recovery, backups, and the ongoing health of the system. The system will be reliable within the Azure data center where the FC can monitor it, but that doesn’t protect you against the worst scenario: that data center gets wiped out. In some scenarios, it might be OK to not manage the slight risk of a whole data center disappearing. On the other hand, many companies spend a lot of money running duplicate data centers that aren’t near one another, just in case. You need to think about this. If you need to reduce the risk of depending on one data center, then you have a few options. Just to be clear: the FC will manage the state of your system in a data center, but it won’t, at this time, manage it across data centers. We think that in the fullness of time, the fabric will be that powerful, but at that time it’s likely to be renamed to Microsoft SkyNet.

If the loss to your business isn’t likely to be great, and you can deal with a few hours downtime, you can simply plan on redeploying to another data center in the event of a catastrophe. You need to keep a copy of the production bits and service configuration handy. You also need a backup of any data in the cloud. With these in hand, you could completely redeploy to another Azure data center in a matter of minutes to hours (depending on the amount of data that needs to be uploaded).

If you need to minimize downtime, you can run two copies of your service in Azure. Set each copy with a different geographic affinity in the portal. Azure is then forced to run each copy in a different data center. Perhaps the first copy is running in the Chicago data center, and the second is running in the Southwest data center. You could then use a DNS server that is geo-aware, and have it route users to each system, based on their location. In this situation, you’d have to replicate your data across the two systems. One way to do so would be to run them in complete separation, if your business processes can handle that. Then, once a night, you could merge the data sets with a background operation.

In all of these situations, you need to be able to understand the health of your system. One way to do that is to use the management APIs to understand the load on your system, and report the status in a recurring manner.

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- Running a healthy service in the cloud : Using the service management API (part 4) - Changing configuration and dynamically scaling your application
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- Running a healthy service in the cloud : Using the service management API (part 1) - Setting up the management credentials
- Running a healthy service in the cloud : Transferring diagnostic data
- Running a healthy service in the cloud : Configuring the diagnostic agent (part 3)
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