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Developing for Windows Phone 7 and Xbox 360 : Lighting (part 5) - Point Lights

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Point Lights

All of the examples up to this point use one or more directional lights when calculating the light’s influence on the color of the triangles. Although directional lights work well to simulate the type of light that is coming from distant objects such as the sun, they don’t work to simulate how objects look indoors when lit from multiple smaller artificial lights such as light bulbs. In computer graphics, we call these types of light sources point lights.

Point lights have a known position in 3D space, which differs from directional lights that only have a direction. The direction to the point light must be calculated because it changes depending on the location of the object drawn.

The light that comes from smaller lights like the ones in your home tends to lose its brightness the farther away an object is from the light. You can see this in your home when you turn off the lights in a room and have only a single table lamp to light the room. Notice that the light is brightest close to the lamp, but falls off quickly with distance from the light. This falloff from the light source is called attenuation and differs depending on the size and type of light.

There are multiple ways in which you can calculate the attenuation when simulating the light that comes from point light sources. Use the following attenuation equation:

Attenuation = 1 - (((Light Position - Object Position) / Light Range) * ((Light Position - Object Position) / Light Range))

In the previous equation, the light position is the location of the point light. The object position is the location you are currently drawing in world space, and the light range is how far the light rays will travel from the light source.

To demonstrate how point lights work in the game, update the previous specular lighting example, which uses directional lights.

First, you need some different member variables for the game. Remove the vector that represents the light direction and update it with the following code:

// The position the light
Vector3 lightPosition;
// The range of the light
float lightRange;

The light now has a position and a float value that represents the distance from the light that objects can be lit from.

In the game’s Initialize method, give the point light the following values:

// Set light starting location
lightPosition = new Vector3(0, 2.5f, 2.0f);

// The range the light
lightRange = 6.0f;

In the same location where you set the light direction for the effect in your game’s Draw method, update the effect with the new point light properties.


Most of the changes to support the point light occur in the effect file. You need two new global variables to store the light position and range.

float3 LightPosition;
float LightRange;

You need the position of the pixel you are rendering in the pixel shader in world space. To do this, add an additional value to the vertex output structure to store the position in world space.

struct VertexShaderOutput
float4 Position : POSITION0;
float3 Normal : TEXCOORD0;
float3 View : TEXCOORD1;
float3 WorldPos : TEXCOORD2;

The vertex shader needs to be updated to save the calculated world space position of the vertex.

output.WorldPos = worldPosition;

The pixel shader should be updated to the following:

float4 PixelShaderFunction(VertexShaderOutput input) : COLOR0
// Normalize the interpolated normal and view
float3 normal = normalize(input.Normal);
float3 view = normalize(input.View);

// Direction from pixel to the light
float3 light = LightPosition - input.WorldPos;

// Attenuation
float attenuation = saturate(1 - dot(light / LightRange, light / LightRange));

// Normalize the light direction
light = normalize(light);

// Store the final color of the pixel
float3 finalColor = float3(0, 0, 0);

// Start with ambient light color
float3 diffuse = AmbientLightColor;

// Calculate diffuse lighting
float NdotL = saturate(dot(normal, light));
diffuse += NdotL * DiffuseLightColor * attenuation;

// Calculate half vector
float3 half = normalize(view + light);

// Calculate N * H
float NdotH = saturate(dot(normal, half));
// Calculate specular using Blinn-Phong
float specular = 0;
if (NdotL != 0)
specular += pow(NdotH, SpecularColorPower.w) * SpecularLightColor * attenuation;

// Add in diffuse color value
finalColor += DiffuseColor * diffuse;

// Add in specular color value
finalColor += SpecularColorPower.xyz * specular;

// Add in emissive color
finalColor += EmissiveColor;

return float4(finalColor, 1);

Although it appears to be a lot of code at first, it is actually close to the pixel shader used for the specular lighting example. Let’s walk though the important differences.

The input world position is interpolated for each pixel giving the location of the current pixel in world space, which is what you need to calculate the distance to the light source. The light variable is stored with the vector form the pixel to the light. The attenuation is then calculated using the equation from earlier in the article. The light vector is then normalized because you use this value as the direction of the light as you would if this was a directional light. The new normalized light is then used in the calculations of NdotL and half. Finally the attenuation is multiplied when calculating the diffuse and specular intensity values.

Running the sample now shows the objects in the scene lit from a point location where the light falls off the farther the objects are away from the light. Rotating the light or moving the light source from each frame can make this much more visible. Figure 12 shows the objects in the scene lit from a single point light.

Figure 12. Objects lit by a point light source

Adding multiple point lights works in a similar way as adding additional directional lights. The lighting influence of each additional light source needs to be calculated for each light and added into the diffuse and specular intensity values. You can also mix and match by supporting a directional light and point lights in your effect.

Other -----------------
- Developing for Windows Phone 7 and Xbox 360 : Lighting (part 3) - Emissive Lighting & Specular Lighting
- Developing for Windows Phone 7 and Xbox 360 : Lighting (part 2) - Triangle Normals & Diffuse Lighting
- Developing for Windows Phone 7 and Xbox 360 : Introduction to Custom Effects - Vertex Color & Texturing
- Developing for Windows Phone 7 and Xbox 360 : Drawing with a Custom Effect
- Developing for Windows Phone 7 and Xbox 360 : Creating Your First Custom Effect & Parts of an Effect File
- Developing for Windows Phone and Xbox Live : SamplerStates
- Windows Phone 7 Development : Understanding Device Physical Security & Meeting Certification Requirements
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