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BizTalk 2010 Recipes : Orchestrations - Calling Web Services

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4/16/2011 4:01:44 PM

1. Problem

You want to call a web service from within your business process, using the standard SOAP adapter.

2. Solution

When calling a web service, the first item that is needed is the Web Services Description Language (WSDL). The WSDL contains the interfaces indicating how a web service can be called. BizTalk imports this WSDL and turns it into a schema that can be read in the same way as a standard XSD, with each web method defining its own schema. This solution will walk through the steps required to reference a WSDL, create a message to post to a web service (via a web method), and get the web service result message.

  1. Open a BizTalk project in Visual Studio.

  2. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the References node under the project header, and select Add Service Reference.

  3. In the Add Service Reference dialog box, you can manually enter the URL of the WSDL into the URL box at the top of the window. This can be a standard web URL (http://) or a file path to a WSDL or SVC file (useful for developing in a disconnected environment). Alternatively, use any of the other Browse methods to locate the service.

  4. After entering a valid URL path, all available web services will be displayed (see Figure 1). Select the desired web service from this list. Make sure that the namespace shown in the text box is appropriate (usually, you will want to rename this to something more descriptive than the default; the name entered here will be how the web service is referred to in the rest of the project)

    Figure 1. Referencing a web service
  5. Click the OK button. The newly referenced web service should now appear under the Service References folder in the Solution Explorer (see Figure 2).

    Figure 2. The referenced service in the Solution Explorer
  6. In an orchestration, right-click Port Surface, and select New Configured Port. This will start the Port Configuration Wizard. Use the following settings to configure the new port.

    • Name the port appropriately.

    • For Port Type, select Existing Port Type. In the window that appears, highlight the web port that is a post (as opposed to a response back), and then click Next.

    • The final screen should be automatically configured indicating that BizTalk will always be set to sending a request and receiving a response, with the port binding set to Specify Now. There is no need to make any changes. Click Next, and then click Finish.


    Web service calls can be request/response (two-way) or simply request (one-way). Some of the parameters in the configuration will be slightly different in the case of a one-way web service.

  7. In the orchestration, add a new Send shape. This shape will require a message to be associated with it. You will want to create a message that has the same type as the outgoing port you configured in step 6, as follows:

    1. In the Orchestration View window, right-click the Messages folder, and select New Message.

    2. Give this message an appropriate name, such as msgRequest.

    3. In the Properties window of the message, click the Message Type drop-down list, expand Web Message Types, and select the message type that corresponds to the port type you indicated in step 6.

    4. Set the Send shape Message Type property to this message.

  8. Connect the Send shape to the outgoing method on the port created in step 6.

  9. Drop a Receive shape on the orchestration, immediately after the Send shape created in step 7. You will need to create a message that has the same type as the response back from the web service call, as follows:

    1. In the Orchestration View window, right-click the Messages folder, and select New Message.

    2. Give this message an appropriate name, such as msgResponse.

    3. In the Properties window of the message, click the Message Type drop-down list, expand Web Message Types, and select the message type that corresponds to the response of the web service web method indicated in step 6.

    4. Set the Receive shape Message Type property to this message.

  10. Create an instance of the message that you are sending to the web service (msgRequest). This can be done through a map or a Message Assignment shape. The following steps will show how to do this through a map.

    1. Drop a Transform shape in the orchestration immediately before the Send shape created in step 6. This will automatically create a Construct Message shape.

    2. In the Properties window of the Construct Message shape, click the Messages Constructed property, and select the message created in step 6 (msgRequest).

    3. Double-click the Transform shape. In the Transform Configuration dialog box, the target document should be msgRequest, and the source document can be any document (you will need to create a message, not included in these steps, of any given schema type and set it to the source).

    4. After setting the source and target schemas, click OK. The map should open, and you can map fields as needed.

3. How It Works

The complexity around calling and mapping to web services is greatly reduced by using a BizTalk orchestration, the standard SOAP adapter, and the steps described in this solution. However, there may be times when these steps do not provide the result needed. In cases where the called web service is too complex a structure to consume, the web service could be called from an external .NET component, removing the complexity of calling it from BizTalk altogether.

Calling a web service from an external assembly lets developers use the full functionality of .NET to make the call. While complex web services with arrays or strongly typed data sets can be called from an orchestration, moving the call to an external component may be easier.

There are important benefits to calling a web service with the BizTalk SOAP adapter and following the steps described in this solution. The ability to turn the WSDL into a schema, the ability to have retries automatically occur, and the simplicity of creating the message through the BizTalk Mapper are all excellent reasons to invoke the web service from within an orchestration.

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