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SharePoint 2010 Search : Search Extensions - CodePlex and Open Source

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7/12/2011 11:29:20 AM

1. Extending Search Beyond In-House Development

Microsoft has an extensive network of partners, consultants, developers, and software vendors that support SharePoint 2010. In the summer of 2010, just after the release of SharePoint 2010, Microsoft released that it had 390,000 partners worldwide supporting its vast array of software. Furthermore, 95% of Microsoft revenue at that time stemmed from partners. It is safe to assume that no matter the feature needs of a company, there is probably a Microsoft partner available that can assist to custom develop or sell a pre-developed solution to meet the requirements.

Most third-party enhancements are either solutions that meet back-end needs beyond the user interface, or user-side features such as Web Parts. To review, Web Parts are ASP.NET server controls, and act as the building blocks of SharePoint. They allow users to modify the appearance, content, and behavior of SharePoint directly from the browser. Web Parts allow for interaction with pages and control the design of a page. These building blocks provide all the individual bits of functionality users may experience within a SharePoint environment. SharePoint 2010 comes with over 75 Web Parts to meet the dynamic needs of organizations, but it would be impossible for Microsoft to include Web Parts in SharePoint 2010 that meet every feature need for every organization using the platform. When search user features beyond those included with the platform are required, "custom search" Web Parts are needed.

Custom Web Parts can range from adaptations of existing Web Parts to meet new business requirements, to completely original Web Parts that are built from scratch. Since the user experience in SharePoint flows through Web Parts, application pages, and ASP.NET controls, all add-on solutions will contain some combination of custom Web Parts. There are, however, specific point solutions built to add one or more Web Parts to meet specific feature needs. These range from free open source projects from sites, such as CodePlex, individual purchasable Web Parts, such as those offered by Bamboo Solutions, to broader packages of Web Parts, such as those offered by SurfRay's Ontolica Search product.

In addition to custom Web Parts that cater directly to user functionality, there are many other solutions available that cater to back-end needs. These needs may range from better metadata tagging and improved taxonomy, to more index- and crawler-focused solutions such as iFilters and connectors. Although portions of these solutions are composed of Web Parts, they also tie into the underlying architecture and layers of SharePoint that the user does not interface with directly. They nonetheless greatly affect how users interact with content and navigate SharePoint.

2. CodePlex and Open Source

When faced with a need beyond the out-of-the-box capabilities of a platform, it is common to look to open source solutions. Open source software is that which provides the end product's source materials. Generally, open source software is provided at no cost in the public domain, leading to its attractiveness as a first step for enhancements.

CodePlex is Microsoft's open source project hosting web site. The site provides a medium for people to request projects to be made by independent developers, share their own developments with the public, find solutions already in the works, and download solutions made by other people. The best part about CodePlex is that all of the solutions and downloads are free. CodePlex brings together programming hobbyists, professional developers who want to share their skills, and those new to Microsoft technologies with a problem to solve. The site provides a medium for these people to collaborate on projects and distribute their work at no cost.

There is a vast range of projects hosted through CodePlex, and the number is constantly growing. At the end of 2010, CodePlex was hosting nearly 20,000 open source projects for the Microsoft community. Projects are usually driven by a need to add point solutions to Microsoft technologies prior to the need being addressed by Microsoft. For example, MOSS 2007 did not include a search refinement Web Part. Since the ability to refine search results by managed properties was common to many other search technologies, and widely popular on web sites, users began requesting the feature more and more. Either by request, or on their own, someone began working on a search refinement solution for MOSS 2007 to meet this need. The first release (version 1.0) of this MOSS Faceted Search Web Part was in September 2007, and it was downloaded several hundred times.

Over the course of the next several months, the solution received several updates fixing bugs such as security policy issues and XML formatting. In early 2008, the programmer-released version 2.0 of the MOSS Faceted Search Web Part brought many major fixes to the Web Part and extended its features. Bugs such as malformed queries, security enhancements, and disappearing functions were addressed. New features such as multi-thread processing, facet icons, and the ability to exclude certain facets were added. In addition to the Web Part, version 2.0 included guides to configuration and styling. The solution became increasingly popular, with over 15,000 downloads. Version 2.5 was released in July 2008, about six months after version 2.0. It was titled to be the first Enterprise release with continued bug fixes and the new ability to be integrated with the Enterprise Library, support for advanced search, support for language refinements, enhanced error visualization, and support for "OR" queries. In January 2009, the Web Part author uploaded version 3.0 of the solution, but unfortunately the solution was not complete. A year later, version 3.0 of the solution had still not been fixed, and the download was eventually rolled back to version 2.5.

The development history provides a perfect example of a project life cycle for a CodePlex project. It brings to light the benefits and concerns for using open source solutions. The solution was and still is free to anyone who would like to use it. Organizations that experienced successful, bug-free deployments of the Web Part had a chance to benefit from a search navigation feature that was not included with SharePoint until the release of SharePoint 2010. Development of the software was taken care of for them at no cost, and they only needed to allocate resources for its installation and configuration.

Organizations that implemented one of the earlier releases of the MOSS Faceted Search Web Part needed to be mindful of several bugs in the software. Since the solutions available on CodePlex are open source, organizations that experienced problems with the Web Part could not hold the developer accountable for resolving issues. They could report bugs in the review section, or message the author through the web site's messaging system, but did not have a guarantee for action. As was seen with the 3.0 release, continued development of CodePlex projects is not guaranteed, and organizations need to be cautious of the software and version downloaded.

For some organizations, using open source software available through CodePlex is the best solution to custom development needs. Generally, organizations that meet this profile have development resources in-house, and use open source solutions as a jumpstart to in-house development. When properly leveraged, some developers can build on open source software, and use it to jump straight into the more advanced stages of development. This is a common practice for consultants and system integrators with limited solution development time lines. Companies may also not have budgets allocated to software purchases beyond the base SharePoint 2010 platform. These companies can leverage CodePlex projects to enhance their environment without additional software costs.

2.1. Getting the Most Out of Your Open Source Products

It is important to follow a few best practices when using any open source solution, including those available on CodePlex. Most importantly, never install open source solutions directly into a live production environment. While it is never recommended to test software in production without first deploying to a development environment, the rule must be drastically stressed for open source software. These solutions are not tested by Microsoft, and as a result should not be blindly trusted to work without bugs. A proper QA test cycle should always be done on open source solutions prior to adding them into a production environment. Although they may be time-consuming to resolve, problems resulting from software testing in development do not necessarily stand as a detriment to an organization as a whole. By contrast, if a major problem is first experienced in a production environment, the consequences are significantly more severe.

Before installing a download from CodePlex, read the reviews and discussions for the release. These are comments added by others who have downloaded the software. Reviews are generally comments about whether a user had a good or bad experience with the solution and why. Discussions provide insight into problems that may be experienced with the download so that they can be avoided. Problems may be minor or avoidable, but these discussions are generally the best knowledge base for getting ahead of potential issues when testing. They may also provide insight into how to make certain configurations.

At the end of 2010, there were about 300 active CodePlex projects addressing needs in SharePoint 2010. The most popular download is the SharePoint 2010 Manager, which adds a SharePoint object model explorer. It gives administrators the ability to browse every site on a local SharePoint 2010 farm and view every managed property within the farm. It also allows administrators to update properties and data in the SharePoint object model directly from one consolidated explorer view through the tool.


The SharePoint 2010 Manager project can be found at http://spm.codeplex.com/.

2.2. Additional Search Related Projects

Some additional search-related projects include a Wildcard Search Web Part, which allows for the wildcard syntax to be added implicitly to every query. The SharePoint Google Directions Web Part (Figure 1) allows for federated queries to Google Maps instead of the default Google Web Search. This Web Part provides a query field in SharePoint 2010 for starting and ending directions, and when executed, the query is executed through Google Maps and returns the results in a second browser window.

Figure 1. CodePlex Google Directions Web Part

The SharePoint 2010 Managed Metadata Web Part creates a user navigation control from a Managed Metadata column assigned to a list or library (Figure 2). This allows for user navigation of a term set related to a column in a list or library.

Figure 2. CodePlex SharePoint 2010 Managed Metadata Web Part

The SharePoint Outlook Connector makes it easier to upload e-mails from Microsoft Outlook to SharePoint, and attach SharePoint documents to an e-mail message (Figure 3). This improves on the standard process, which requires users to save e-mails to their desktops before uploading through the SharePoint user interface. It also allows users to bypass the need to download SharePoint documents to a local drive before attaching them to an e-mail.

Figure 3. CodePlex SharePoint Outlook Connector


The Web Parts mentioned in this section can be found at the following links.


These projects provide a general idea of the broad range of solutions that can be found on CodePlex. As needs evolve, and SharePoint 2010 matures, many more solutions and projects will appear on the site over time. While CodePlex is not the only place to find open source solutions for SharePoint 2010, it does house the most abundant collection and is a good place to start looking for solutions.

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