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BizTalk 2010 Recipes : Orchestrations - Calling Pipelines from Within an Orchestration

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4/16/2011 4:09:41 PM

1. Problem

You are developing an orchestration and need to use pipeline-processing stages within the workflow. Specifically, you need to validate a document and batch multiple messages into a single interchange. You want the orchestration to be efficient, minimizing the interactions between the orchestration and the MessageBox database.

2. Solution

BizTalk Server exposes a programmatic interface into pipelines, allowing you to call both receive and send pipelines directly from orchestrations. Assume your orchestration has the following steps:

  1. Receive an order message in an industry-standard format.

  2. Transform the message to a canonical version of the order schema.

  3. Send the canonical order message to an external application for processing.

  4. Receive a status message from the external application indicating the success or failure of the message processing.

In addition to the orchestration, you have also created a receive pipeline to validate the canonical order schema, an envelope, and a send pipeline to batch the canonical order and order response documents into a single interchange.

Open your orchestration in Visual Studio, and perform the following steps to implement the pipeline calls:

  1. From the toolbox, drag the following shapes onto the orchestration design surface:

    1. Drag a Scope shape named Execute Receive Pipeline directly below the Construct Canonical Order Message shape, and set the Transaction Type property to Atomic.

      The orchestration's Transaction Type property must be set to Long Running in order for it to hold an Atomic Scope shape.

    2. Drag an Expression shape named Execute Receive Pipeline inside the Scope shape added in the previous step.

    3. Drag a Construct Message shape named Construct Validated Message directly below the Execute Receive Pipeline Expression shape (also inside the Execute Receive Pipeline Scope shape), and set the Messages Constructed property to a message defined by your validating schema—in this solution, a message named CanonicalOrderValidatedMessage defined by the canonical order schema.

    4. Drag a Message Assignment shape named Assign Validated Message inside the construct message shape added in the previous step.

    5. Drag a Construct Message shape named Construct Batched Message directly below the Receive Order Status receive shape, and set the Messages Constructed property to an XML message—in this solution, a message named BatchedOrderMessage of type System.Xml.XmlDocument.

    6. Drag a Message Assignment shape named Assign Batched Message inside the construct message shape added in the previous step.

  2. Add a reference in your BizTalk project to the Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline.dll (found in the root BizTalk installation folder), which holds the classes required for calling pipelines from orchestrations.

  3. Create a new variable named ValidatePipelineOutput of type Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline.ReceivePipelineOutputMessages in the Execute Receive Pipeline Scope shape. This variable will hold the validated output of the call to the receive pipeline, containing the validated canonical order message.

  4. Add the following code to the Execute Receive Pipeline Expression shape in order to call the appropriate receive pipeline:

    ValidatePipelineOutput = Microsoft.XLANGs

  5. Add the following code to the Assign Validated Message shape in order to extract the validated canonical order message:

    CanonicalOrderValidatedMessage = null;


    To handle multiple output messages from a receive pipeline (when using an envelope for message debatching, for example), you may need to use a loop in order to iterate through the message collection and handle each appropriately.

  6. Create a new variable named BatchingPipelineInput of type Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline.SendPipelineInputMessages. This variable will hold the output of the call to the send pipeline, containing the batched order messages.

  7. Add the following code to the Assign Flat File Message shape to call the appropriate send pipeline (BatchedOrderMessages is a BizTalk message of type System.XML.XmlDocument and is used to hold the output of the ExecuteSendPipeline method call):

    BatchedOrderMessages = null;
    BatchingPipelineInput, BatchedOrderMessages);

  8. Build and deploy the solution.

3. How It Works

This solution shows how to leverage pipeline processing directly from orchestrations. First, we discuss the mainline process involved in the solution. Then, we discuss exception handling.

3.1. Mainline Process

The Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline.XLANGPipelineManager class exposes an API for calling pipelines programmatically.


To use this class, you must add a reference in your BizTalk project to the Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline assembly.

In this scenario, you needed to use both a receive pipeline and a send pipeline. The receive pipeline allows you to validate a message that you create in the orchestration. You call the receive pipeline via the ExecuteReceivePipeline method, which has the following signature:

  • Type: The fully qualified type of the receive pipeline you need to call. You format this parameter as typeof(FullyQualifiedNameOfReceivePipeline). You can easily find the fully qualified type name of your receive pipeline by clicking the pipeline file in the Solution Explorer and viewing the Fully Qualified Name property.

  • XLANGMessage: The XLANG message object you need to pass into the receive pipeline.

This method returns an instance of the Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline.ReceivePipelineOutputMessages class, which contains an enumeration of output messages from the receive pipeline. In this solution, the pipeline produces a single message, and you are able to easily extract the message by using the MoveNext and GetCurrent methods of the class. If multiple messages could be returned by the receive pipeline, you would need to loop through the ReceivePipelineOutputMessages object to extract each message. You can accomplish this by using a Loop shape configured with ValidatePipelineOutput.MoveNext() as the expression and an Assign Message shape configured with ValidatePipelineOutput.GetCurrent(CanonicalOrderValidatedMessage); as the expression.


You must place the code (usually contained within an Expression shape) that calls the receive pipeline in an Atomic Scope shape, because the ReceivePipelineOutputMessages class is not serializeable and cannot be persisted to the MessageBox.

The send pipeline batches multiple messages within the orchestration into a single interchange. You call the send pipeline via the ExecuteSendPipeline method, which has the following signature:

  • Type: The fully qualified type of the send pipeline you need to call. You format this parameter as typeof(FullyQualifiedNameOfSendPipeline).

  • SendPipelineInputMessage: The collection of messages you need to pass into the send pipeline.

  • XLANGMessage: The XLANG message object you will receive as output from the send pipeline.


You must place the code that calls the send pipeline in a Message Assignment shape, because the ExecuteSendPipeline method constructs the XLANGMessage it passes as an output parameter.

Although calling pipelines from an orchestration generally results in the same functionality and processing as when they are executed via BizTalk messaging objects, you need to be aware of some differences. One of the most important discrepancies is the input and output XLANG message objects that are passed to ExecuteReceivePipeline and ExecuteSendPipeline, respectively. Although XLANG message objects allow you define them as being of any type (XmlDocument, String, DateTime, and so on), the XLANG message instances you pass to the pipeline execute methods must be XML documents. This means that the XLANG message objects should be defined by either the System.Xml.XmlDocument type or an XML schema to ensure consistent behavior. This limitation is because the pipeline execution methods treat their XLANG message parameters as XmlDocument objects. Although it is possible to use a different type to define your XLANG message objects (such as System.String), it is advised you do so with caution and careful consideration and validate that any data written to the message is in XML format.


One shortcoming of this limitation is that it is not straightforward to call a send pipeline that assembles an XML document into flat file format, because the flat file string is returned as an XmlDocument object but likely does not conform to XML.

Another difference to be aware of is how tracking and monitoring data is handled. When calling pipelines from an orchestration, pipeline components leveraging the BAM Interceptor API are not supported, and the assembler/disassembler stages do not process tracking information. Additionally, transactional pipeline components are not supported when called from orchestrations.

3.2. Exception Handling

Any errors occurring in pipelines called from orchestrations cause an XLANGPipelineManagerException exception object to be thrown. Messages are not suspended, as they would be if the pipeline were executed by a messaging object (receive location or send port). This exception object can be handled via a catch exception block, which is configured on a Scope shape within an orchestration. Once the exception is caught, the exception's properties can be interrogated and the event handled appropriately.

Using an invalid document (using a character in the Identifier element, which expects an integer value) in this solution produces the following error:

There was a failure executing pipeline "OrderProcessing.ValidateCanonicalOrderSchema
Error details:
"The 'Identifier' element has an invalid value according to its data type.".

Exception type: XLANGPipelineManagerException
Source: Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline
Target Site: Microsoft.XLANGs.Pipeline.ReceivePipelineOutputMessages ExecutePipeline
(Microsoft.BizTalk.PipelineOM.ReceivePipeline, Microsoft.

As you can see, the exception thrown has a type of XLANGPipelineManagerException, and the description indicates the specific validation failure.

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