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Windows Server 2008 Server Core : Configuring Directory Services - Creating New Objects Using the DSAdd Utility (part 2)

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3. group

The group object adds a new group to Active Directory. This object uses the following syntax:

dsadd group GroupDN [-secgrp {yes | no}] [-scope {l | g | u}]
[-samid SAMName] [-desc Description] [-memberof Group ...]
[-members Member...] [{-s Server | -d Domain}] [-u UserName]
[-p {Password | *}] [-q] [{-uc | -uco | -uci}]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.

-secgrp {yes | no}

Determines whether the utility adds the group as a security group (yes) or as a distribution group (no). The default setting adds the group as a security group.

-scope {l | g | u}

Determines the group scope. The scopes include local (l), global (g), and universal (u). Mixed mode domains don't support the universal scope. The default setting is global.


Specifies the SAM name for the group. You must supply a unique value. The utility creates a SAM name for the group from the distinguished name when you don't supply this value.


Defines the group membership of the group you want to add. The input argument is the distinguished name of a group. You may specify more than one group. Separate the group distinguished names with spaces.


Defines the membership of this group. All objects that have membership in this group have the same rights as this group.

4. ou (Organizational Unit)

The ou object adds a new organizational unit to Active Directory. This object uses the following syntax:

dsadd ou OrganizationalUnitDN [-desc Description]
[{-s Server | -d Domain}] [-u UserName] [-p {Password | *}] [-q]
[{-uc | -uco | -uci}]

This object doesn't support any specialized command line arguments.

5. user

The user object adds a new user to Active Directory. A user is someone who has actual access to the network and generally works for the company. This object uses the following syntax:

dsadd user UserDN [-samid SAMName] [-upn UPN] [-fn FirstName]
[-mi Initial] [-ln LastName] [-display DisplayName]
[-empid EmployeeID]
[-pwd {Password | *}] [-desc Description] [-memberof Group ...]
[-office Office] [-tel PhoneNumber] [-email Email]
[-hometel HomePhoneNumber] [-pager PagerNumber]
[-mobile CellPhoneNumber] [-fax FaxNumber] [-iptel IPPhoneNumber]
[-webpg WebPage] [-title Title] [-dept Department]
[-company Company] [-mgr Manager] [-hmdir HomeDirectory]
[-hmdrv DriveLetter:] [-profile ProfilePath] [-loscr ScriptPath]
[-mustchpwd {yes | no}] [-canchpwd {yes | no}]
[-reversiblepwd {yes | no}] [-pwdneverexpires {yes | no}]
[-acctexpires NumberOfDays] [-disabled {yes | no}]
[{-s Server | -d Domain}] [-u UserName] [-p {Password | *}]
[-q] [{-uc | -uco | -uci}]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Defines the SAM account name for the user.


Defines the UPN version of the username that includes the fully qualified domain such as [email protected].


Specifies the user's first name.


Specifies the user's middle initial.


Specifies the user's last name.


Determines the user's display name (the name you see when you access the contact entry).

-empid EmployeeID

Specifies the employee identifier. This is a text field, so you can use any form of identifier you want.

-pwd {Password | *}

Defines the user's password. Using a default password and requiring the user to reset it on first access to the network is always the most secure choice for creating a password (see the -mustchpwd command line switch for details). If you supply an asterisk (*), the system prompts you for the password.


Defines the group membership of the user you want to add. The input argument is the distinguished name of a group. You may specify more than one group. Separate the group distinguished names with spaces.


Defines the physical office location of the contact.


Specifies the user's landline business telephone number.


Specifies the user's email address.

You can use the $username$ token to your advantage when creating scripts with this utility. This token can replace the user's name for the -email, -hmdir, -profile, and -webpg arguments. For example, you can specify the user's home directory as -hmdir\users\ $username$\home.


Specifies the user's home telephone number. Normally, this entry is for a landline telephone, but could also contain a secondary cellular telephone number.


Specifies the user's pager telephone number and any required special codes.


Specifies the user's cellular telephone number.


Specifies the user's facsimile telephone number.


Specifies the user's Internet Protocol (IP) telephone number.


Specifies the user's Web page URL.


Specifies the user's business title.


Defines the department in which the contact works.


Specifies the user's company name.


Defines the user's manager using a distinguished name.


Defines the user's home directory. The home directory is where the user stores data and begins any computing session. When you supply the home directory using a UNC path, the utility requires that you also supply a drive letter for mapping this path using the -hmdrv command line switch.

-hmdrv DriveLetter:

Defines the user's home directory drive letter. The utility maps the drive letter to the user's directory path on the server.


Defines the user's profile path.


Defines the user's logon script path.

-mustchpwd {yes | no}

Forces the user to change their password during the next logon when set to yes. The default setting is no, which means the user doesn't need to change their password.

-canchpwd {yes | no}

Specifies whether the user can change their password. The default setting of yes allows the user to change their password. You must set this argument to yes when you use the -mustchpwd command line switch. Always force the user to change the password for a new account or after resetting the account.

-reversiblepwd {yes | no}

Determines whether the system stores the password using reversible encryption. The default setting of no prevents the user from using reversible encryption. Always set this argument to no to improve system security.

-pwdneverexpires {yes | no}

Determines whether the user's password expires based on a system policy. The default setting of no forces the user to change the password regularly. Always set this argument to no to improve system security.


Specifies the number of days after today when the user's account expires. A value of 0 sets the account to expire at the end of today. A positive value sets the account to expire in the future. A negative value sets the account to expire in the past. You can't set the account to never expire using this argument.

-disabled {yes | no}

Specifies whether the user account is disabled. The default setting of yes disables the account for use. You must specifically enable the account by setting this argument to no.

6. quota

The quota object creates a quota specification for Active Directory. The quota specification determines the maximum number of directory objects that a given security principal can hold. This object uses the following syntax:

dsadd quota -part PartitionDN [-rdn RelativeDistinguishedName]
-acct Name -qlimit Value [-desc Description]
[{-s Server | -d Domain}] [-u UserName] [-p {Password | *}] [-q]
[{-uc | -uco | -uci}]

The following list describes each of the command line arguments.


Specifies the distinguished name of the directory partition that receives the quota. If you don't supply the distinguished name on the command line, the utility attempts to obtain the distinguished name using the standard input (StdIn) device, which can include the keyboard, a redirected file, or as piped output from another command. Always end the standard input with the Ctrl+Z character.


Specifies the relative distinguished name of the quota that you want to create. If you don't specify this command line switch, the utility sets it to Domain_AccountName using the domain and account name of the security principal specified by the -acct command line switch.


Specifies the security principal (user, group, computer, or InetOrgPerson) to whom the quota specification applies. You may use a distinguished name as input for this command line argument. The command line argument also accepts the security principal information in the form Domain\SAMAccountName.


Specifies the number of directory objects that the security principal can own within the specified partition. Provide a value of −1 to specify an unlimited quota.

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