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BizTalk 2009 : The Enterprise Service Bus Toolkit 2.0 - The Functional Components (part 2) - ItineraryHelper & Pipeline Components

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4. ItineraryHelper

ESB itineraries are simply raw XML. Working with raw XML can be a pain, but ESB components need to interact with itineraries routinely in order to function. They need to retrieve information from them, update them, and validate them. Therefore, in order to avoid the pain of having to access this XML directly, the ESB Toolkit contains a component called ItineraryHelper. This component acts as a .NET wrapper to the underlying XML and prevents you from having to touch it directly. Although you might never need to call this component directly, it is used by most of the core ESB components. Therefore, we have included this brief section about it so that you have some concept of it when it is mentioned. Also, if you plan to develop your own components to extend the ESB Toolkit or if you want to build a new orchestration to perform some custom business logic, then you will need to understand how to use this component.

The ItineraryHelper component provides the following methods:


This method takes a single parameter that is a reference to a message, and it advances the itinerary by one step. It populates the service instance with the properties of the service for the next step, marks the current service as completed, sets the time stamp, and updates other relevant ESB context properties.


This method takes a reference to a message, and it returns an instance of the ItineraryStep class for the current step. It also changes the state of the current service instance from Pending to Active and sets the BeginTime property.


This method retrieves the value of the itinerary property from the BizTalk message context. It gives you back the entire raw XML representing the itinerary.


This method returns a typed collection of resolvers as a ResolverCollection instance, populated by parsing the itinerary.


This method returns an XML string that represents the resolvers associated with a specific service located at specific position within the itinerary.


This method takes a single parameter (a reference to a message), reads the itinerary, and writes it to a custom BizTalk context property in the message for future retrieval.


This method takes as its single parameter a reference to a message, sets the default values of the Itinerary context property within the message, removes any values that should not be set, and updates the Itinerary property.

In an orchestration, you can use this component to retrieve the current service for a message by using the following code:

// Retrieve the current itinerary step
itineraryStep = Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Itinerary.ItineraryHelper.CurrentStep(


You could also update a message's itinerary by using the following code:
// Call the Itinerary helper to advance to the next step



This code is assuming that your incoming message and outgoing message are named InMessage and OutMessage, respectively. If you have different message names, you will need to use them instead.

5. Pipeline Components

Pipelines play an incredibly important role in the ESB. Beyond the standard BizTalk pipeline components, eight new components come with the ESB Toolkit. It is critical to understand what they do and how they work.

5.1. ESB Itinerary Component

Some of the web services used within the default ESB on-ramps allow you to submit both a message and its itinerary at the same time. For these services, you are able pass in the itinerary within the SOAP headers (if you are using the ASMX web service)or the WCF headers (if you are using the WCF-based service). What the ESB Itinerary component does is extract the itinerary information from these SOAP or WCF headers and convert it into the format that BizTalk requires. Essentially, it reads the incoming itinerary, validates that it is in the proper format, and then writes it as raw XML into the message's ItineraryHeader context property.

You should note that this component is needed only if the web service within your on-ramp allows you to submit an itinerary along with the message. If you want the ESB to determine what itinerary your message should have, then you will need to use the ESB Itinerary Selector pipeline component.

In the default installation of the ESB Toolkit, there are four on-ramps that use this component, and these can all be found in the Receive Locations folder within the Microsoft.Practices. ESB BizTalk application. In this folder you will find the OnRamp. Itinerary.WCF, OnRamp.Itinerary.SOAP, OnRamp.Itinerary.Response.WCF, and OnRamp.Itinerary.SOAP receive locations. All four of these locations use the ItineraryReceiveXML receive pipeline, which contains the ESB Itinerary component. This is because all four of these receive locations are tied to an ASMX or WCF service that allows the itinerary to be submitted along with the message.

5.2. ESB Itinerary Selector Component

In version 1.0 of the toolkit (or Toolkit as it was referred to in that version), on-ramps required you to pass in a valid itinerary along with the message that the ESB needed to process. This was a problem for many people since they thought that the ESB should be responsible for figuring out which itineraries needed to be used for incoming messages. They also thought that they did not want the end user to have to worry about itineraries and that the ESB should abstract this entire concept from the client application.

In version 2.0, you no longer have this issue because the on-ramp no longer requires you to submit an itinerary along with your message. You can simply submit your message into the ESB without any knowledge of itineraries at all.

However, the ESB components are still designed to process messages based on itineraries. So, you need some way to attach an itinerary to a message after it has been submitted into the ESB. The ESB Itinerary Selector component gives you this capability. It is a receive pipeline that allows you to do the following:

  • Use the resolver framework to figure out what itinerary an incoming message should have

  • Load that itinerary from the itinerary database

  • Attach the itinerary to the incoming message

  • Initialize all of the ESB context properties based on the data inside the itinerary so that the ESB components can begin processing the message

Figure 1 shows this process and the components involved. You can see in this image that the ESB Itinerary Selector component starts by passing a resolver connection string to the Resolver Manager. This in turn executes either the Static or Business Rules resolver, which provides an itinerary name (and version number). The ESB Itinerary Selector component then uses this name and version information to load the requested itinerary from the Itinerary Database.

Figure 1. The mechanism behind the ESB Itinerary Selector component

With the ESB Itinerary Selector, two resolvers are available to determine the name of the itinerary you need to load: the Static resolver and Business Rules resolver. Both of these resolvers work the same way that the mapping and endpoint resolvers do. You provide a resolver connection string that the Resolver Manager uses to figure out what resolver you want. This resolver is then called, and it returns an itinerary name based on the parameters you provided in the connection string.

As you can see in Figure 2, the properties for ESB Itinerary Selector component can be set using the Configure Pipeline dialog box in the BizTalk Administration Console.

Figure 2. The configure screen for a pipeline using the ESB Itinerary Selector component

The Static resolver is very basic and simply allows you to hard-code the name of the itinerary that you want. The need to hard-code the name does not give you a very flexible solution since it means that you would need to create a separate receive port for every itinerary that you need to resolve. Therefore, the Business Rule Engine Itinerary (BRI) resolver is by far the more useful and valuable one for you to use. It allows you to invoke a policy in the rules engine, which is able to dynamically figure out which itinerary you need. This pattern aligns much better to the overall design goals for the ESB and allows you to create a truly "generic" on-ramp that can handle multiple messages using multiple different itineraries. Be sure to note that this resolver is referred to as the BRI resolver in order to distinguish it from the BRE resolver that the generic routing and generic mapping services use. Both of these resolvers call into the Business Rule Engine, but for very different reasons.

To use the Static resolver, you would use the following configuration settings:

IgnoreErrorKey = False
ItineraryKeyFact = Resolver.Itinerary
ResolverConnectionString = ITINERARY:\\name=YourItineraryName;

You will need to replace YourItineraryName with the name of the itinerary that you want to load from the database.

To use the BRI resolver, you can use the following configuration settings:

IgnoreErrorKey = False
ItineraryKeyFact = Resolver.Itinerary
ResolverConnectionString = BRI:\\policy=MyPolicy;version=1.1;useMsg=True;

You will need to replace the MyPolicy and 1.1 values with ones that match the policy you have deployed in your rules engine. Optionally, you can leave the version parameter empty so that you do not have to update this configuration string every time you deploy a new version of the policy.

Using the Resolver Connecting String we provided earlier, the BRI resolver passes only the message's context properties into the rules engine. This means that your policy will be able to determine only which itinerary to use based on these properties. If you want to use content from the body of the message to make these decisions, then you would need to set the useMsg property to True. Doing that instructs the BRI resolver to submit the message body as well as the context properties into the invoked policy.

If you want to see an example of an on-ramp that uses this component, you can find one in the Microsoft.Practices.ESB BizTalk application. If you expand the Receive Locations folder, you will find a receive location named OnRamp.Itinerary.Generic.WCF. If you open this receive location, you will see that it uses the ItinerarySelectReceive pipeline. One of the components within this pipeline is the ESB Itinerary Selector component.


The ESB Itinerary Selector component will try to use the name that the resolver returns to load an itinerary from the itinerary database. Therefore, you need to ensure that the itinerary the resolver returns actually exists in the database.

5.3. ESB Dispatcher Component

The Dispatcher is a critical component to understand in order to use the ESB. In itineraries, you can specify a number of services that you want to execute and specify whether they should be processed by the ESB at the messaging level or at the orchestration level. Messaging-level services are executed in pipelines, and it is the Dispatcher component that executes them. The Dispatcher component can be used in any stage of both receive and send pipelines.

In the default ESB pipelines, the Dispatcher runs after the ESB Itinerary or the ESB Itinerary Selector component has executed. By the time one of these two components has run, the message will have a valid itinerary that needs to be processed. It is at this point that the Dispatcher takes over. It starts by examining the message's itinerary to find out what current itinerary service is. If the service is a messaging-level service and it is either the Transformation Service or Routing Service, then the Dispatcher will execute it. If the Transformation Service is specified, the Dispatcher will call the resolver mechanism to figure out what map needs to be run, and then it will execute it. If the Routing Service is specified, then the Dispatcher also calls the resolver mechanism, but this time it asks it to figure out where the service needs to be routed to. The resolver will return a list of data that can be used to configure a dynamic send port.

When the Dispatcher has finished executing this initial service, it calls into the Itinerary-Helper component and asks it to update the message's itinerary. This component updates the itinerary XML, marks the current service as complete, and then updates the other ESB context properties to indicate that the next service in the itinerary is now the current one.

Once this update is complete, the Dispatcher will "loop" and begin this process all over again. It will check to see what the new "current" service is, and if it is a messaging-level service, it will attempt to execute it. This loop continues until all of the services in the itinerary have been completed or until a service is found that the Dispatcher cannot process. This could be because a service has been requested that the Dispatcher does not understand, or an orchestration-level service has been requested. Once the Dispatcher is finished, the message is passed into any remaining pipeline components and finally published into the BizTalk Messagebox. When you use the Dispatcher component, you will see that it has six properties that can be set using the BizTalk management console. Table 15-3 describes each of them.

Table 2. Dispatcher Pipeline Properties
EnabledYou can enable or disable the Dispatcher by using this component. It accepts either True or False.
EndpointYou can specify a resolver connection string here to resolve an endpoint service to route the message to. You would use this property if your message does not have an itinerary.
ValidateYou use this to indicate whether you want the Dispatcher to validate the incoming message against a schema before executing a map. This accepts either True or False. By default this is set to True.
RoutingServiceNameThis property holds the name of the messaging-level Routing Service so that the dispatcher can call it. The default value for this is Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Services.Routing, and you should not change it unless you plan to override the default behavior of the dispatcher by providing your own version of the Routing Service.
TransformationServiceNameThis property holds the name of the messaging-level Transformation Service so that the dispatcher can call it. The default value for this is Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Services.Transform, and you should not change it unless you plan to override the default behavior of the dispatcher by providing your own version of the Transformation Service.
MapNameYou can specify a resolver connection string here to resolve a map to run in the Dispatcher. You would use this property if your message does not have an itinerary.

The Endpoint and MapName properties might be confusing since this information is already defined in the message's itinerary. Why then would you need to enter this into the pipeline component as well?

The key thing to remember is that all of the ESB Toolkit components have been designed to be as flexible and reusable as possible. The design team realized that you might want to be able to use the Dispatcher without having to add the extra overhead associated with itineraries. Therefore, they designed the Dispatcher so that it could handle some basic routing and mapping capabilities entirely on its own without the need for any itinerary. That is why the Endpoint and MapName properties have been added. You can place resolver strings into these properties and use the resolver mechanism to determine which map to run or service to route to. The Dispatcher can use this information to run the dynamic mapping service and/or Routing Service once per incoming message. If you want to do anything more complex than this, then you will need an itinerary. The ESB Toolkit ships with a sample named Dynamic Resolution that shows you how to implement this scenario. This sample project also includes a pipeline named ESBReceiveXML that contains only the ESB Dispatcher component and not the ESB Itinerary or ESB Itinerary Selector components.

5.4. ESB Dispatcher Disassembler Component

The ESB Dispatcher Disassembler Component works the same way that the ESB Dispatcher component does. It is designed to execute messaging-level services. The only difference between it and the ESB Dispatcher is that it combines the BizTalk message debatching functionality. This component inherits from the XSML disassembler class XmlDasmComp. You would use this component if you wanted to debatch an incoming XML message before dispatching the individual messages.

5.5. ESB Itinerary Cache Component

The difference between on-ramps and off-ramps seems fairly easy to grasp. On-ramps are used to receive message into the ESB, and off-ramps are used to send messages out of the ESB. However, these nice clean lines get blurred when you start using two-way solicit/response send ports in our off-ramps. When a two-way send port receives the response message back from the remote service, it is actually acting as an on-ramp. This presents an interesting design challenge. A message's itinerary is stored in the message's own context properties for the entire time that it is in BizTalk. However, when a message is sent out through a send port, the context properties are dropped, and the message no longer has any concept of the overall itinerary that it is part of. When a response message comes back into the ESB via the solicit-response port, it will not have any concept of the original itinerary either. If the original itinerary contained more services that needed to be executed after this one, then you need some way to associate this response message back to the original itinerary. This issue is solved by the ESB Itinerary Cache component.

The Itinerary Cache component can be used in both receive and send pipelines. However, as shown in Figure 3, it performs a very different function based on which one it is used in. When the ESB Itinerary Cache component is used in a send pipeline, it stores a copy of the outgoing message's itinerary into the itinerary cache. When the component is used in a receive pipeline, it extracts the itinerary out of the cache and adds it back to the incoming message.

Figure 3. A logical view of how the Itinerary Cache component functions

If the component is part of a send pipeline, then its job is to save a copy of the outgoing message's itinerary into the itinerary cache. If the component is part of a receive pipeline, then its job is to check and see whether the message has an associated itinerary stored in the cache. If an itinerary does exist, it is stored back in the message's context properties. Once this is done, the other ESB components can continue to process the message and complete any remaining services defined in the itinerary. You might be thinking that this looks an awful lot like correlation. However, be aware that this does not use BizTalk's built-in correlation capabilities. This entire mechanism is implemented in .NET components that were created new for the ESB Toolkit.

One of the most common questions that we get from BizTalk developers when it comes to the ESB Toolkit is about the Itinerary Cache mechanism. Many people are worried about its impact on performance and high availability for the underlying BizTalk environment. In Figure 15-10 the itinerary cache is represented as a database. However, the Itinerary Cache is actually built using the Enterprise Library's caching block. This means that you can implement this cache using any of the library's built-in options. These options include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • In-memory (the fastest option, but it's prone to data loss in the case of a system failure)

  • IsolatedStorage (disaster tolerant, but it's slower than In-memory)

  • Database (slower than In-memory, but it's the most robust)

To set up high availability for the itinerary cache, you will need to familiarize yourself with the Enterprise Library and its capabilities.

5.6. Forwarder Component

A key capability for an ESB is the ability to enable service composition and service chaining. In the world of web services, you might want to take the output of one service and forward it into another service. Figure 4 outlines a scenario where the ESB is composing messages across three different web services.

Figure 4. A simple scenario for service composition

In this scenario, the client application has submitted a single message into the ESB and is waiting for a response. The ESB has taken this initial message and routed it to Service A. When Service A responds, instead of returning this message to the client application, the ESB has forwarded this message on to Service B. Service B responds with a message, which is in turn forwarded to Service C. It is only after Service C has responded that a message is sent back to the original client.

In BizTalk, this type of scenario has always been implemented using orchestrations. How-ever, now that we have the concept of itineraries, it would be highly preferable to use them to implement this process. Itineraries do not carry the same performance overhead as orchestrations often do, and as we have already discussed, they are easier to change if necessary.

BizTalk has always been able to support the first part of this process by requiring an orchestration (that is, steps 1, 2, 3, and 7 where the client application calls Service A, which responds to the client). This can be done using a two-way receive port, a two-way send port, and dynamic subscriptions. When a message enters BizTalk through the two-way receive port, it is routed to the two-way send port. At this point, BizTalk creates a dynamic subscription for the message that will eventually return from the send port and be routed to the original receive port. It is this functionality that causes a problem for the ESB components. If you allow this default functionality to occur, the client application will receive a response back after step 3 (as shown in the diagram) instead of after step 7.

The Forwarder component solves this problem for you. It functions by intercepting the response message that is coming back from the first web service, and it allows you to redirect it to another ESB service or another off-ramp. With this component, you can now compose multiple external services together without the need for an orchestration, and it allows you to create much more complex and useful itineraries.

So, look again at Figure 4; messages 3 and 5 would need to be processed by a receive pipeline that contained the Forwarder component. Message 7 would need to be processed by a send port that did not contain the Forwarder component. So when configuring your ESB environment, you will need to set up multiple off-ramps to support these two scenarios.

The Forwarder component can be added to the Decode, Validate, or PartyResolver stages in a pipeline, and it does not contain any configurable properties. To use the component, you simply need to add it to your pipeline (or use a pipeline that already contains it).

5.7. ESB Add and Remove Namespace Components

It is not uncommon in many organizations to have XML documents without namespaces. Since traditional BizTalk components require namespaces in order to process XML documents, you have a disconnect. Because most organizations will not want to modify their XML documents just to appease BizTalk, the ESB Add Namespace and Remove Namespace components were developed. These components allow you to add root namespaces to incoming documents and remove a namespace as the document leaves BizTalk. They can be added to any stage of a receive or send pipeline.

The Add Namespace and Remove Namespace components are not fundamentally tied to any other component in the ESB Toolkit. In fact, they are not really even related to the ESB concepts that you have been looking at. They simply solve a logistical problem for you. They have great value even to traditional non-ESB BizTalk projects, and you can extract them from the toolkit and use them completely on their own.

Since these components are not really critical in order to implement the ESB pattern that you are looking at in this article, this article will go any deeper into them. If you are interested in using them, then you should reference the Namespace sample that ships with the ESB Toolkit. You can find it in the Samples folder.

5.8. Component Summary

In this section, you have looked at the new pipeline components that are included in the ESB Toolkit. Table 3 reviews these components and their uses.

Table 3. Pipeline Components and Their Purposes
ESB Itinerary SelectorUsed to resolve an itinerary for an incoming message, load that itinerary from the itinerary database, and store the itinerary in the ItineraryHeader context property.
ESB DispatcherProcesses messaging-level services specified in the itinerary including the Transformation Service and Routing Service.
ESB Dispatcher DisassemblerImplements the same functionality as the Dispatcher component but includes support for XML disassembly and debatching of incoming messages.
ESB ItineraryUsed to initialize an incoming message that was received from an on-ramp that also accepted the message itinerary.
ESB ForwarderUsed when a receive port needs to intercept the incoming message are resend it back out to another external service.
ESB Itinerary CacheIn a send pipeline, it stores a message's itinerary to the cache. In a receive pipeline, it retrieves a message's itinerary from the cache.
ESB Add NamespaceUsed to add a namespace to a message entering BizTalk.
ESB Remove NamespaceUsed to remove a namespace from a message leaving BizTalk.
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